Among the many food challenges and other resolutions I have mid-year challenged myself to look outside my own world, and sometimes my own circles of friends and influences and make someone else's life a little happier. I'm going to try and find at least 1 thing/week to share.
It would be great to pass the contagion on to others - to think about and offer out random acts of kindness - for your friends/for strangers but in any case it's my own personal journey and I can't wait!
Some of these offerings will be free, some will cost a few dollars, and others will be a personal sacrifice for me. For every act, though, I hope to enrich my life by finding a focus outside of myself. Very excited for this --- we'll see how it goes!
Week 1 (I'm a little behind): Green cookies on St. Paddy's Day to the local fire department who I KNOW is acutely-familiar with my apartment complex :)
The recipe was from the back of the Costco chocolate chip bag (like 8 pounds!) I had the wild idea to buy? A